What we do
Provide grants to educate, train, or support children and adults that are physically or mentally disabled.
What we fund
Examples include, but not limited to:
- Technology – robots for autism, computers, iPads, etc.
- Curriculum – Apple apps, Wilson Reading Program, Second Step, books, etc.
- Equipment – Stand-up and pedal desks, exercise balls, wobble chairs and other alternative seating, specialized equipment
Cooperate with other organizations and contribute to larger projects for vocation and recreational purposes to serve the disabled.
Who we fund
Schools and classrooms, 501c3 organizations, not-for-profit organizations serving the disabled, government agencies, vocational programs for the disabled.
**We do not fund individuals.
Only those contiguous to Vermilion county, Illinois are eligible for grants.
Student using exercise desk.
Bounce stand
Handicap accessible bus field trip.